Friday 17 April 2020

harry the dirty dog

today we had to read a book on storyline online and I read harry the dirty dog because I like books about dogs.


  1. So what was the story about? Did you enjoy it? What would you give it as a star rating out of 5?

    1. I would rate it being 4 out of 5. the story was about a dog who hated having a bath and one day he heard the water going in the bath and he grabbed the scrubbing brush and buried it in the back yard of his house. and then he ran away and he got really dirty then came back. when he got back he ran to the bath and had the biggest bubbly bath he has ever had.

  2. I sort of remember this book from when I was younger, I can't remember all the details though but that cover stuck in my head. What did you think of it? Did you like the story? What made you choose that story? I love reading, do you? Good work today. Sharron

  3. I thought it was really good and I would rate it 4 out of 5. I love dogs and I wanted to read some thing diffrant then what I usally read.


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