Thursday 7 May 2020

The Magic Tree

There were no trees apart from the scary magical one.He stood there until one day some children came around he opened his door and said come in don’t be afraid, but the children just ran away. The next day the children came back and he said to himself I hope they don’t run away again and they didn't this time, they wanted to come in so he let them. Inside they saw a man living there. It was there old school teacher Mr Dickens they asked Mr Dickens why are you living here? there are no other trees here. Then he turned around, they realised it wasn't Mr Dickens it was their Dad that they thought was long gone. He said look under the mat they saw a secret passage that led them to the end of a rainbow. Then they lived happily, in the end there mum found them and the 5 of them lived happily ever after.


  1. Hi Keoni, Was this a re tell of a story? If so it makes me want to read the book. Well done. It painted some good pictures in my head. What did you think of the story? Keep up the good work.

  2. No it wasent a re tell of a story we had to write a story using a pictur to write it.


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